
May 27, 2020

What is an oily skin?

Oily skin occurs when there is an overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands, in other words oil from the pores. The severity of oily skin can vary. Most oily skins will also have larger pores and/ or some form of congestion, acne, blackheads, etc.

What may impact oily skin?

Oily skin may be impacted by hormones, medications, diet, lifestyle, environment and genetics.

What can you do to prevent and balance excess sebum oil?

Having sebum oil isn’t a bad thing, it is actually what helps keep our skin moisturised and protected. Therefore when treating this skin condition, we want to avoid removing all oils as this will cause more problems within the skin. To target this concern, regulating the skins production of oil and the quality of oil is an effective way to treat this skin concern.

Prevent and improve an oily skin with ingredients that support the skins barrier functions. This will assist in preventing an overproduction of oil. Correct and regular exfoliation is essential to gently soften build up oils and dead skin.

  • Take a holistic approach. Supporting a healthy gut and diet may assist in the severity of an oily skin. Taking supplements may support the natural production and regulation of sebum. EFA's such as Fish oil may assist in correcting oil production, however it is beat to talk to your doctor first.

  • Have a high-quality cosmeceutical skin care routine and be consistent with it. Ensure you are using the appropriate ingredients oily skin.

  • Check your medication with your doctor for any side effects. Some medications may impact the severity of oily skin.

  • Avoid harsh and drying products as this can cause the skin to further overproduce oil. Avoid scrub-based exfoliators.


Ingredients to help balance an oily skin:

  • Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

  • Organic Oils

  • Coconut Extract

  • Cucumber Extract

  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)

  • Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) 

If you’d like to start your skin journey but still don’t know where exactly to start, we recommend the following cosmeceutical products based on the appropriate ingredients for this concern: